2020 - Onwards
A. Jamieson, et al., Human Activity Recognition of Individuals with Lower Limb Amputation in Free-Living Conditions: A Pilot Study. Sensors, 2021. 21(24): p. 8377. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s21248377
S. Day and A. Buis, Digital Transformation in an Evolving World. Prosthetics & Orthotics International, 2021. 45(6_Suppl): p. 1-293. https://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.pxr.0000799072.18452.79
M. Graser, S. Day, and A. Buis, Exploring the role of transtibial prosthetic use in deep tissue injury development: a scoping review. BMC Biomedical Engineering, 2020. 2(1). https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s42490-020-0036-6